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Disciplinary Appeals

Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2021 3:52 am

Kaitlyn Myers
Los Santos Fire Headquarters
1282 Sunset Avenue
Downtown Los Santos
Los Santos 206
The Los Santos Fire Department commits to the efficient daily operation of the Department, and maintains active presence within the Professional Standards Division to hold Firefighters and other employees accountable. While the Professional Standards Division and its associated officers make full attempt to produce reasonable resolution the first time an incident arises, employees may still feel that the issued disciplinary action is not appropriate.

In this event, employees of this Department are allowed to appeal an incident in which disciplinary action was issued. Appeals are reviewed by the Board of Rights, and must be submitted within two weeks of the occurrence of the incident. After this amount of time, the Department is no longer liable to maintain full evidence relevant to the incident, unless otherwise noted.

Appeals may be submitted with the assistance of legal counsel, provided the employee is appealing an incident in which disciplinary action was issued against themselves specifically. Employees may not appeal for other employees, other parties must produce their own appeal for their involvement in that specific incident to be reviewed.

Appeals may only be submitted once per incident (i.e: may not be appealed again if already handled, or still being handled). Appeals must only be made for resolved disciplinary incidents, and do not apply to action temporarily taken during the course of an investigation (i.e: administrative leave). Additionally, employment terminations may not be appealed through the Board of Rights.

If you would like to appeal disciplinary action after reading the above, download and fill out the following form:
LSFD Disciplinary Appeal Form.pdf


Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2021 3:53 am
  • Date:* DD/MMM/YYYY
    Time: 00:00
    Location of Incident: Location
    Incident / Event Type: IncidentType
  • Name:* Firstname Lastname
    Rank:* Rank
    Service Number:* #00000
  • Action(s) being appealed:* Action
    Basis of Appeal:* Insert a brief reason for your appeal. (i.e. you feel the action taken against you went against department policy).
    Comments / Statements:*

    Explain in further detail why you are submitting this appeal, and include any additional information you may have surrounding the incident.

    Evidence (if applicable):

    Include any evidence you may have to back up the statements in your appeal.
    The Los Santos Fire Department would like to thank you for taking the time to fill out this form.

    *Indicates mandatory fields. Forwarded reports with these areas left blank may be returned or disregarded.

(( Please forward all disciplinary appeals in a private message to Mark Yeager. Appeals are submitted in-character by default. If you are appealing a disciplinary action taken against you out-of-character, include OOC brackets in your private message.

Contents and title can be found below. ))


Code: Select all

Disciplinary Appeal Form

Code: Select all

[divbox=black][color=#FFFFFF][b][u]INCIDENT INFORMATION[/u][/b][/color][/divbox]
[b]Date:[/b][color=#FF0000][i]*[/i][/color] DD/MMM/YYYY
[b]Time:[/b] 00:00
[b]Location of Incident:[/b] Location
[b]Incident / Event Type:[/b] IncidentType

[divbox=black][color=#FFFFFF][b][u]EMPLOYEE INFORMATION[/u][/b][/color][/divbox]
[b]Name:[/b][color=#FF0000][i]*[/i][/color] Firstname Lastname
[b]Rank:[/b][color=#FF0000][i]*[/i][/color] Rank
[b]Service Number:[/b][color=#FF0000][i]*[/i][/color] #00000

[divbox=black][color=#FFFFFF][b][u]APPEAL INFORMATION[/u][/b][/color][/divbox]
[b]Action(s) being appealed:[/b][color=#FF0000][i]*[/i][/color] Action
[b]Basis of Appeal:[/b][color=#FF0000][i]*[/i][/color] Insert a brief reason for your appeal. (i.e. you feel the action taken against you went against department policy).
[b]Comments / Statements:[/b][color=#FF0000][i]*[/i][/color] 

Explain in further detail why you are submitting this appeal, and include any additional information you may have surrounding the incident.

[b]Evidence (if applicable):[/b]

Include any evidence you may have to back up the statements in your appeal.


[b]The Los Santos Fire Department would like to thank you for taking the time to fill out this form.[/b]

[color=#FF0000][i][size=85]*Indicates mandatory fields. Forwarded reports with these areas left blank may be returned or disregarded.[/size][/i][/color]