G. Domestic Address: 800 Rodeo Boulevard, Marina, Los Santos 313, San Andreas
H. Phone Number: 1120864
I. Are you a citizen of the United States?: Yes
J. Do you possess a drivers license within the State of San Andreas?: Yes
K. Do you possess any form of a firearms license within the State of San Andreas?: No
L. Do you have any history of civil infractions (including traffic)?: No
M. If you answered yes to the above, specify: N/A
N. Do you have any criminal convictions? If so, specify: No
A. Are you a High School Graduate, or do you possess a G.E.D? Where did you receive this education?: High School Graduate: Wausau East High School (Wausau, Wisconsin)
B. Have you completed any form of education beyond the above? If so, specify: No
C. Have you previously submitted an application for a position within the Los Santos Fire Department?: No
D. Have you previously been employed by the Los Santos Fire Department?: No
E. Have you previously been employed by any government agency? If so, specify: No
F. List any previous employment:
Nature of Employment: Hospice Volonteer Name of Employer: Interim Hospice Duration of Employment: 26/AUG/2023 - 15/DEC/2023
Nature of Employment: Cashier Name of Employer: The Home Depot Duration of Employment: 20/JAN/2024 - 01/DEC/2024
Nature of Employment: Photographer (Part-time) Name of Employer: VellerieLens Duration of Employment: 03/FEB/2025 - Present
A. Fill in the following statement: I, Charlise Justice, certify that the information provided in this application is factual at the time of submission. By submitting this application, I authorize the Los Santos Fire Department and any relevant employee authorized by them to conduct a thorough investigation on me, which may involve accessing relevant government records. I understand that should any information be deemed untruthful, I may face civil or criminal penalties. I also acknowledge that I have read all information provided to me and have put full effort into the submission and compilation of this application.
H. Are you currently in an official faction? If yes, provide the name: No
I. If you answered yes to the above, provide proof of Double Faction Permission: N/A
J. List all official factions you have previously been in:
Egorovskaya OPG
K. Are you currently banned from any legal factions? If so, specify and explain:: No
L. Chosen Platform: SAMP
Re: [3-24] Charlise Justice
Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2025 10:42 pm
by Axel Thorne
Kaitlyn Myers
Los Santos Fire Headquarters
1282 Sunset Avenue
Downtown Los Santos
Los Santos 206
February 11, 2025
Re: Firefighter Application — Acknowledgment
Dear Ms. Justice,
We are writing to you to inform you that your firefighter application has been received and has been submitted to Recruitment Officers for review. Many conditions are considered while reviewing such a request, which can delay this process in certain circumstances. We ask that you give us 24 hours before inquiring about the state of your request. Should there be a notable delay or more information is required, we will contact you when possible. Should you wish to withdraw your request or have concerns unrelated to the status of your request, please return a letter directly.
Los Santos Fire Headquarters
1282 Sunset Avenue
Downtown Los Santos
Los Santos 206
February 23, 2025
Re: Firefighter Application — Acceptance
Dear Ms. Justice,
We are writing to you in regards to your recently submitted firefighter application. After extended deliberation, we have deemed you suitable to pursue further employment, and have mailed you the information required for the next stage in the recruitment process. You will conduct an oral interview in-person with one of our Recruitment Officers. This is to determine if your goals, personality and prior experience align with the department's, and give us an idea into how you would handle the job. This is the final step in the application process before we determine if you will be inducted into the academy as a Fire Recruit or not.
Los Santos Fire Headquarters
1282 Sunset Avenue
Downtown Los Santos
Los Santos 206
March 02, 2025
Re: Firefighter Oral Interview — Employment Offer
Dear Ms. Justice:
We are writing to you in regards to your recent interview with the Los Santos Fire Department. After extended deliberation, we have deemed you suitable for the entry-level position of Firefighter, contingent on completion of the Fire Recruit period. You will be given access to manuals which you must study prior to attending your required classes. You will undergo ten weeks of EMS classes and ten weeks of firefighting classes. All classes are mandatory.
(( In-character you would have twenty weeks of classes; out-of-character, the academy is entirely NPC'ed. ))