InformationThe Firefighter Reserve program is designed for people who have contributed greatly to the faction during their time on LS-RP. This could be a former LSFD member who held the rank of Firefighter III and was very active in the field, taking their Field-Training Officer responsibilities seriously, and went above and beyond the expected duties of an FTO, or it could be an LS-RP Staff Member who went out of their way to help the faction thrive by means of creating scenarios, or helping them greatly by coordinating events over the years.
Firefighter Reserves are considered volunteer Firefighters on an in-character level. This position is given out on a case by case basis, and will not be handed out to everyone who applies. Even as volunteers, you cannot apply on a character that is already part of a legal faction. It must be an alt.
There are no activity requirements for Firefighter Reserves so long as you make sure to keep in touch with us and let us know you're around. You should make an effort to get in-game and roleplay as often as your schedule allows you to, however, as you are a faction member and should contribute to its activity (even minimally!)
Firefighter Reserve Limitations:
Can only be certified in Basic-Life Support (BLS).*
Cannot be upgraded or promoted.**
Cannot be appointed Commanding Officer of any Bureau or Division.
Cannot join divisions.***
*Firefighter Reserves may be given permission to receive an Advanced Life Support (ALS) certification with direct authorization from the Fire Chief. This is handled on a case by case basis, and is not guaranteed.
**Reserves can submit a reinstatement request to be entered into the department as full-fledged employees. If accepted as a full time employee, you are responsible for maintaining activity requirements, and have the possibility of rank advancement should you qualify.
***This is handled on a case by case basis, and is decided upon by the Fire Chief and relevant Deputy Chief (Chief of Staff).
Requirements for players not already in the faction:
Whether you're a former member of the faction or have never been a part of it, you will need to contact the Fire Chief or relevant Deputy Chief (Chief of Staff) with a letter of interest.
Should you be denied, you'll still be able to apply through recruitment and join as a Firefighter I upon academy and exam succession.
Should your request for Firefighter Reserve be approved, you will still be required to submit an application and go through the entire recruitment process. You must complete all steps, attend all mandatory classes, and pass the final examination. You will be required to conduct at least one Field Training Patrol with a Firefighter III or Engineer before you'll be authorized to go on-duty alone.
Code: Select all
(( Firefighter Reserve Request — Firstname Lastname ))
Code: Select all
[b]Name of applying character:[/b] Firstname Lastname
[b]LS-RP Forum Account:[/b] [url=LINK]Username[/url]
[b]Have you ever been in the Los Santos Fire Department before?[/b] Answer
[b]If you answered yes to the above, when were you last in the department?[/b] Answer
[b]Are you currently in any other factions? If yes, specify:[/b] Answer
[b]Are you currently banned from any legal faction(s)? If yes, specify:[/b] Answer
[b]Why do you wish to become a Firefighter Reserve?[/b] Answer
You must hold the Rank of Firefighter III or higher.
You must not have received any disciplinary actions within the last month prior to requesting reserve status.
You must be in good standing with the faction and Faction Leadership.
You must have a record of maintaining excellent activity prior to requesting reserve status. (This is collective across the LSFD Forums, in-game activity, and LSFD Discord server.)
Current faction members should reach out directly to the Fire Chief or relevant Deputy Chief (Chief of Staff) to express their interest in stepping down to Firefighter Reserve. No formal formatting is required!