[Residency][40218-0524] Toby Adams (( SAMP )) [Accepted]

Rev. May 2024
Application for Residency

This application for residency at All Saints General Hospital utilizes the Electronic Residency Application Service created by the Association of American Medical Colleges. By completing this application, you give permission for the AAMC to transmit the personal information described on page 4 of this form.

  • • Ensure that you meet the standards set forth here before submitting your application.
    • You must fill out this application as completely and as honestly as possible. False or misleading information, as well as incomplete information, are grounds for rejection.
    • When a question is not applicable to your application, mark the answer as "N/A."
    • On page 4, answer the first question in as many words as you feel necessary to convey your reasoning for applying for our residency program.
    • (( Check off the checkboxes by changing [cb] to [cbf]. ))
    • (( Post your application here. ))
Job ID: 40218
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1. Full Name: Toby Adams 2. Date of Birth: 23/APR/1998 3. Sex: Male 4. Gender: Male
5. Height: 5'10'' 6. Weight: 175 lbs 7. Phone Number: 2510537
8. Home Address: 2514 Fountain Avenue, Downtown Los Santos, Los Santos 206 9. Are you a citizen of the United States?
10. Do you possess a San Andreas State Driver's License?
11. Have you ever received a civil infraction?
12. Have you ever been convicted of a misdemeanor or felony?
13. If you answered yes to 11 or 12, explain here:
14. Have you received the vaccines for influenza, Hepatitis B, MMR, Varicella, and Tdap?
15. If you answered NO to 14, will you receive those vaccines before joining our staff?
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1. Undergraduate Institution: University of Los Santos 2. Degree Received: BS 3. Cumulative GPA: 4.00
4. Major(s): Computer Science 5. Minor(s): Philosophy 6. Medical College Admission Test (MCAT) Score: 481 (472-528)
7. Medical School: University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences College of Medicine 8. Degree Sought: MD 9. Date (to be) Received: NOV/2025
10. United States Medical Licensing Exam (USMLE) Total Score: 260 (150-300)
11. Other Postgraduate Education: N/A
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1. Explain why you wish to enter All Saints General Hospital's Residency Program:
I am eager to join the All Saints General Hospital Residency Program because it is widely recognized as one of the premier medical institutions in my area. The hospital's reputation for excellence in patient care, cutting-edge medical practices, and strong emphasis on resident education makes it an ideal place for me to continue my training. Additionally, I have had the opportunity to observe the professionalism and compassion of the medical team, and I believe that the supportive and collaborative environment at All Saints is a perfect fit for my personal and professional growth. I am confident that this program will allow me to refine my skills and become a more capable and dedicated physician, contributing to the outstanding work that All Saints General Hospital is known for.
2. Applicant Agreement:
I, Toby A, certify under penalty of perjury that all the information I have given on this application is complete and correct. I understand my failure to provide complete, accurate, and truthful information on this application will be grounds for denial, dismissal after acceptance, and/or possible criminal charges. I agree to notify, in writing, All Saints General Hospital's leadership of any changes or updates to my application materials. I agree to allow the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) to transmit my curriculum vitae, personal statement, medical school transcripts, letters of recommendation, Medical Student Performance Evaluation (MSPE), and confirmation of licensing examination score to All Saints General Hospital via the Electronic Residency Application Service (ERAS). Furthermore, by submitting this application, I hereby grant All Saints General Hospital permission to run a full investigation on me.
Page 4 of 4

1. Timezone: GMT+3 2. LS-RP Forum Name: faded 3. Do you wish to join Mount Zonah on RageMP as well? NO
If yes, character name: Name
4. List all your character names and levels:
Character 1: Toby Adams, 1
5. Provide Copies of your unedited admin records:
6. Are you currently in an official faction?
If yes, provide proof of double faction permission: Permission.
7. Are you currently banned from any official factions?
If yes, explain here: N/A.
8. List all official factions you have been in:
Faction Name: N/A
Last edited by Toby Adams on Thu Sep 12, 2024 6:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Re: [Residency][40218-0524] Toby Adams (( SAMP ))


RE: Residency Application Received

Dear Mr. Adams,

The Department of Human Resources has received your application for All Saints General Hospital's Residency Program. We appreciate your interest in our competitive program and commend you for taking a proactive step toward becoming a physician. We have begun discussing your application and will render our decision in the next five days.

If you are considered a viable candidate for our program, you will be asked to be invited to participate in our onboarding process. Thank you for applying for our program.

David Reynolds, MD, FACS, FACC
Chief of Medicine
All Saints General Hospital

Dr. David Reynolds, MD, FACS, FACC
Chief of Medicine

Also Fire Assistant Chief Mark Yeager

Re: [Residency][40218-0524] Toby Adams (( SAMP ))


RE: Residency Application Pending

Dear Mr. Adams,

Thank you for applying for All Saints General Hospital's Residency Program. We have reviewed your application and, to better assess you as a candidate, request that you make the following revisions in the next 72 hours:
  • I.2 - Please follow the date format DD/MMM/YYYY, where the MMM is the three-letter abbreviation for the month.
  • II.1 - Put a space between the colon and university name.
  • III.1 - Please expand a little bit on your answer, providing at least a few sentences.
  • (( IV.5 - Please correct the link. On the BBCode, put the link where it says LINK, not where it says Link 1 in the original. ))
Once you have made the foregoing revisions, please let us know by replying to this chain.

David Reynolds, MD, FACS, FACC
Chief of Medicine
All Saints General Hospital

Dr. David Reynolds, MD, FACS, FACC
Chief of Medicine

Also Fire Assistant Chief Mark Yeager

Re: [Residency][40218-0524] Toby Adams (( SAMP ))

David Reynolds wrote: Thu Sep 12, 2024 5:49 pm

RE: Residency Application Pending

Dear Mr. Adams,

Thank you for applying for All Saints General Hospital's Residency Program. We have reviewed your application and, to better assess you as a candidate, request that you make the following revisions in the next 72 hours:
  • I.2 - Please follow the date format DD/MMM/YYYY, where the MMM is the three-letter abbreviation for the month.
  • II.1 - Put a space between the colon and university name.
  • III.1 - Please expand a little bit on your answer, providing at least a few sentences.
  • (( IV.5 - Please correct the link. On the BBCode, put the link where it says LINK, not where it says Link 1 in the original. ))
Once you have made the foregoing revisions, please let us know by replying to this chain.

David Reynolds, MD, FACS, FACC
Chief of Medicine
All Saints General Hospital

(( Done ))

Re: [Residency][40218-0524] Toby Adams (( SAMP )) [Pending]


RE: Residency Application Accepted

Dear Mr. Adams,

Congratulations! After reviewing your application for Residency at All Saints General Hospital, we have decided that you are a match for our program. You receive access to the Medical Student Portal which will allow you to proceed with the onboarding process.

Thank you again for expressing interest in our program. We look forward to speaking with you soon.

David Reynolds, MD, FACS, FACC
Chief of Medicine
All Saints General Hospital

Dr. David Reynolds, MD, FACS, FACC
Chief of Medicine

Also Fire Assistant Chief Mark Yeager