Employee Complaints and Commendations


Employee Complaints and Commendations
Mount Zonah Medical Center | Los Santos, San Andreas

Mount Zonah Medical Center aims for "providing excellent clinical and service quality, offering compassionate care, and supporting research and medical education." Because these goals may not always be met - or in some cases may be exceedingly met - the Human Resources division of Mount Zonah Medical Center has established these procedures for complaining about or commending an employee of the medical center.

If you believe an employee has gone beyond his or her expected duties, you may submit the Employee Commendation Form.

If you have a complaint regarding an employee of the hospital, you may submit the Employee Complaint Form.

(( If you have an out-of-character complaint, fill out the OOC Employee Complaint Form. ))

The Complaint Process
Mount Zonah Medical Center seeks to follow a fair, impartial, and due process for employee complaints. All complaints are documented, investigated, and followed up on by the medical center's Human Resources. Human Resources will attempt to ascertain the truth by evaluating the evidence you provide, interviewing the employee(s) involved, interviewing witnesses, and evaluating internal hospital records should they exist concerning the reported incident. Human Resources will render a decision on the complaint within days or weeks; generally, the graver the behavior reported, the more thorough and time-consuming the investigation will be.

After a decision has been reached on the merits of the complaint, Human Resources will reach out to you with its decision. Possible decisions include Insufficient Evidence to Adjudicate, meaning sufficient evidence has not been provided to prove the incident occurred; or Exoneration, meaning the incident did occur but did not violate the medical center's Code of Conduct; or Sustained, meaning the incident did occur and violate the medical center's Code of Conduct. Punishment will be internally decided by Human Resources.

Human Resources asks that you submit all complaints in a timely manner. Employee complaints filed long after the reported incident may result in no disciplinary action, even if sufficient evidence is found to prove employee misconduct.

(( Out-of-Character complains are handled by the Chief Medical Officers as opposed to Hospital Human Resources. ))
© 2023 Mount Zonah Medical Center. All Rights Reserved. A 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.

Employee Commendations

Employee Commendations

Employee Commendations should be emailed to Human Resources at [email protected].

Commendations of members of Human Resources, Attending Physicians, or Deputy Chiefs of Medicine should be emailed to Dr. David Reynolds, Chief of Medicine, at [email protected].


Code: Select all

Employee Commendation - Employee's Name

Code: Select all


[color=#2A4A82][size=180][b]Employee Commendation Form[/size]
[size=140]Mount Zonah Medical Center | Los Santos, San Andreas[/b][/size][/color][/indent]

[divbox=#2A4A82][color=white][b]REPORTER INFORMATION[/b][/color][/divbox][list=none]
[b]Name[/b]: Your full name
[b]Address[/b]: Your address
[b]Email Address[/b]: Your email
[b]Phone Number[/b]: Your phone number

[/list][divbox=#2A4A82][color=white][b]EMPLOYEE INFORMATION[/b][/color][/divbox][list=none]
[b]Name[/b]: Employee's Full Name
[b]Rank[/b]: Rank, if known
[b]License Number[/b]: Medical license number, if known

[/list][divbox=#2A4A82][color=white][b]INCIDENT INFORMATION[/b][/color][/divbox][list=none]
[b]Date of Incident[/b]: DD/MMM/YYYY
[b]Time of Incident[/b]: XX:XX
[b]Location[/b]: Location of incident

Explain the commendable behavior of the employee here.

Provide evidence if necessary to substantiate your claims.


Employee Commendation Form
Mount Zonah Medical Center | Los Santos, San Andreas

  • Name: Your full name
    Address: Your address
    Email Address: Your email
    Phone Number: Your phone number
  • Name: Employee's Full Name
    Rank: Rank, if known
    License Number: Medical license number, if known
  • Date of Incident: DD/MMM/YYYY
    Time of Incident: XX:XX
    Location: Location of incident

    Explain the commendable behavior of the employee here.

    Provide evidence if necessary to substantiate your claims.

Employee Complaints

Employee Complaints

Employee Complaints should be emailed to Human Resources at [email protected].

Complaints on members of Human Resources, Attending Physicians, or Deputy Chiefs of Medicine should be emailed to Dr. David Reynolds, Chief of Medicine, at [email protected].


Code: Select all

Employee Complaint - Employee's Name

Code: Select all


[color=#2A4A82][size=180][b]Employee Complaint Form[/size]
[size=140]Mount Zonah Medical Center | Los Santos, San Andreas[/b][/size][/color][/indent]

[divbox=#2A4A82][color=white][b]REPORTER INFORMATION[/b][/color][/divbox][list=none]
[b]Name[/b]: Your full name
[b]Address[/b]: Your address
[b]Email Address[/b]: Your email
[b]Phone Number[/b]: Your phone number

[/list][divbox=#2A4A82][color=white][b]EMPLOYEE INFORMATION[/b][/color][/divbox][list=none]
[b]Name[/b]: Employee's Full Name
[b]Rank[/b]: Rank, if known
[b]License Number[/b]: Medical license number, if known

[/list][divbox=#2A4A82][color=white][b]INCIDENT INFORMATION[/b][/color][/divbox][list=none]
[b]Date of Incident[/b]: DD/MMM/YYYY
[b]Time of Incident[/b]: XX:XX
[b]Location[/b]: Location of incident

Explain the behavior of the employee and explain how you believe it violates the medical center's Code of Conduct or the precepts of medical ethics. Include names (or, if unknown, descriptions) of all involved employees and witnesses.

Please provide any evidence you may have.


Employee Complaint Form
Mount Zonah Medical Center | Los Santos, San Andreas

  • Name: Your full name
    Address: Your address
    Email Address: Your email
    Phone Number: Your phone number
  • Name: Employee's Full Name
    Rank: Rank, if known
    License Number: Medical license number, if known
  • Date of Incident: DD/MMM/YYYY
    Time of Incident: XX:XX
    Location: Location of incident

    Explain the behavior of the employee and explain how you believe it violates the medical center's Code of Conduct or the precepts of medical ethics. Include names (or, if unknown, descriptions) of all involved employees and witnesses.

    Please provide any evidence you may have.

(( Out-of-Character Complaints ))

(( PM your OOC complaints to the Chief Medical Officers. ))

(( If any LS-RP rules have been broken, follow the server's procedures for reporting a player. ))


Code: Select all

(( OOC Employee Complaint - Employee's Name ))

Code: Select all

[b]Your Character Name[/b]: Answer

[b]Faction Member's Character Name[/b]: Answer

[b]Date of Incident[/b]: DD/MMM/YYYY
[b]Time of Incident[/b]: XX:XX
[b]Location of Incident[/b]: Location (in-game, LS-RP forums, lsgov forums, Discord, etc.)

[b]Description of Incident[/b]:
Describe the incident.

Provide evidence such as chatlogs, videos, or screenshots.

Dr. David Reynolds, MD, FACS, FACC
Chief of Medicine

Also Fire Assistant Chief Mark Yeager